You May Be At Risk of High Blood Pressure

To prevent high blood pressure or lower your blood pressure, you may need to change your lifestyle habits.

You May Be At Risk of High Blood Pressure

You may be at risk of high blood pressure if you have poor lifestyle habits – this includes an unhealthy diet, limited physical activity, and smoking. To prevent high blood pressure or lower your blood pressure, you may need to change your lifestyle habits.

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Blood pressure is the pressure of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. Arteries carry blood from your heart to other parts of your body.

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is when your blood pressure is higher than normal. Your blood pressure normally rises and falls throughout the day. But, the higher your blood pressure levels, the more risk you have for other health problems, such as heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. About one in four U.S. adults has hypertension, and it can lead to heart complications causing disability or death.

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The good news is that, in this day and age, there are many ways we can prevent and manage high blood pressure. The first step is to know your current blood pressure level. To keep an eye on your blood pressure, you’ll need a blood pressure monitor to make sure your blood pressure levels are normal. Normal blood pressure levels are when your systolic number is around 120 and the diastolic number is around 80, 120 over 80. For more information on understanding the blood pressure readings, check out the article by the American Heart Association in the description below. You should also consult your doctor, too.

By living a healthy lifestyle, you can keep your blood pressure in a healthy range, which lowers your risk for heart disease and stroke.

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Here are some healthy living habits to prevent high blood pressure:

  • Eat a healthy balanced diet – for each meal, have a balanced meal with about a quarter plate of white meat, a quarter plate of healthy carbs, and a half plate full of vegetables. Don’t forget to have some fresh fruits, too.
  • Be physically active – physical activity like exercise, walking, or weight training can help you lower blood pressure and keep you at a healthy weight.
  • Get enough quality sleep – Getting enough sleep is important to your overall health. Studies have shown that getting enough sleep keeps your blood vessels healthy, preventing heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.

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