What is Anxiety Relapse

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by persistent and excessive worry about a number of different things. People with GAD may anticipate disaster and may be overly concerned about money, health, family, work, or other issues.

What is Anxiety Relapse

People with anxiety disorders who continued taking antidepressants after successful treatment were less likely to experience a relapse, and relapsed later, than people who stopped taking antidepressants. About 16% of people had a relapse if they remained on antidepressants for on average 44 weeks compared with 36% who stopped after 20 weeks.

The most common anxiety is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) where you worry uncontrollably about common occurrences and situations. It is also known as chronic anxiety neurosis.

Anxiety disorders are common and can interfere with people’s everyday work, family, and social life. Having a stressful life experience may increase your risk for an anxiety disorder.

There are different kinds of anxiety disorders like:

  • generalized anxiety disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Phobia
  • Panic disorder

But how do you know what anxiety really feels like?

  • Typically it feels like a knife stabbing you in the chest with each breath you take. This may sound over-exaggerated but anxiety can manifest itself with intense physical symptoms like chest pain.
  • The second would be like a rain of clouds of negative words following your every move. Usually, it’s self-judgment, a loud, harsh, stubborn voice spewing an endless stream of negativity.
  • The third would be an imposter hijacking your normal self. You feel very anxious and often feel as if your normal self has been replaced by a craft imposter.
  • Lastly, it feels like an explosion in your brain, sending your thoughts spiraling out of control. It is kind of like a brain fog that clouds your thoughts.

When you're feeling anxious or stressed try these:

  • Take time out. Stepping back from the problem can help clear your head.
  • Get enough sleep. When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest.
  • Take deep breaths. Inhale and exhale slowly.
  • Count to 10 slowly. Repeat and count up to 20 if necessary.
  • Talk to someone. Talk to a friend or family member that you’re feeling overwhelmed, and let them know how they can help you.

When your anxiety is not in control, you begin to build bad habits like:

  • Have an obsession or an endless thought loop that leaves you exhausted
  • Avoidance, or ignore what you need
  • Overplanning, or trying to control the uncontrollable
  • Restlessness, or not being able to sleep
  • Traces of deteriorating physical health

Over time you can gain control of your anxiety. But to prevent yourself from lapsing or relapsing you have to make a schedule for yourself of what skills you need to work on every week. The difference between lapse and relapse is:

  • Lapse is a brief return to old and unhelpful habits.
  • While relapse is a complete return to all of your old ways of thinking and behaving when you are anxious.

Keep in mind: Although lapses can lead to relapses, they don’t have to. You can stop a small lapse from becoming a relapse. This is one way for you to take control of your life and build healthier habits!

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