Superfood or Superhyped?

What is a superfood? Well, a superfood is defined as any food that is rich in compounds considered beneficial to a person’s health.

Superfood or Superhyped?

What is a superfood? Well, a superfood is defined as any food that is rich in compounds considered beneficial to a person’s health. Superfood is a marketing term for food claimed to confer health benefits resulting from an exceptional nutrient density. The term is not commonly used by experts, dietitians, and nutrition scientists, most of whom dispute that particular food have the health benefits claimed by their advocates.

The term superfood originated in the early 20th Century. It was first used to market bananas and today – in the 21st century, we see the term Superfood used to describe a variety of seemingly healthy options. Some superfoods are:

  • Goji berries
  • Quinoa
  • Chia seeds
  • Green tea
  • Salmon
  • Broccoli
  • Salmon
  • Soy
  • Tea

It’s so important that we don’t forget the basic tenets of what it means to have a holistic healthy lifestyle.

Superfoods are just like any other food. They just happen to usually be a little extra special in providing a certain additional benefit. And that’s only one aspect of your overall health. Don’t forget to always maintain a balanced diet. Eat your superfoods but in order to maintain a balanced diet, you must eat by maintaining variety, and consuming any food, including superfoods, in moderation.

However, a balanced and moderated diet is only a small part of building a sustainable “whole health” lifestyle. It’s important to take care of all aspects of your life besides diet, such as mental, social, financial, and medical health. According to a Harvard study, a good healthy lifestyle can improve your health and longevity. By having a healthy lifestyle, you can stop chronic diseases.

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