Stop Chronic Diseases

Six in ten adults in the US have a chronic disease and four in ten adults have two or more.

Stop Chronic Diseases

Six in ten adults in the US have a chronic disease and four in ten adults have two or more. Over time, chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more.  

These chronic diseases require ongoing medical attention or limited activities of daily living or both. Chronic diseases are caused by tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and excessive alcohol use.

So how can you help stop chronic disease? Integrating 10 healthy lifestyle habits and 5 holistic health pillars can improve quality of life and prevent diseases. Long-term adherence to 10 healthy habits can help people achieve preventive health and longevity.

Chronic diseases – such as diabetes, cancer, asthma, and heart disease – are leading causes of death and disability. The Liu Foundation offers philanthropic GoLively app and video series promoting evidence-based lifestyle habits to prevent chronic diseases. GoLively integrated Harvard, Stanford, and CDC’s Public Health findings into an easy-to-use behavior conditioning app and series of lifestyle motivation videos to prevent chronic diseases.

GoLively app and videos cover physical, mental, social, financial, and medical health aspects with 10 healthy lifestyle habits. GoLively enables corporate social responsibility to lower the annual $4 trillion spent on preventable chronic diseases in the United States. Healthy habits can lead to improved employee health, saving healthcare cost, increasing productivity, and morale. Download the Lively Habits app to help you keep track of your 10 healthy lifestyle habits. Go Lively!

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