How Is Processed Food Affecting Our Bodies?

How Is Processed Food Affecting Our Bodies?

6 in 10 young people aged 2 to 19 years and 5 in 10 adults consume a sugary drink on a given day. Processed foods and sugary drinks add unneeded sodium, saturated fats, and sugar to many diets, increasing the risk of chronic diseases.

The most common processed foods are cereals, Cheese, Milk, Bread, Cookies, and Potato chips. As you consume more processed food, it can lead to poor nutrition health. Having poor nutrition health can lead to chronic diseases.

Frozen meals, snack foods like chips and candy, and most beverages are processed. Even products that say it’s “all-natural” or “whole grain” are still processed. “Processed” can mean different things, but not all of this food is bad for you. That is why it is good to check the nutrition facts label and choose the option with lower sodium.

image from envatoelements

Process foods aren’t a modern invention. It’s been around for a long time. They are convenient and have a shelf life, that’s why most people rely on processed foods. It’s good to enjoy them in moderation but always read the nutrition label for more information.

At Lively Habits, we believe in stopping chronic diseases with lifestyle changes. We hope you find this information useful and challenge yourself to build healthy habits. Harvard Research has shown that following healthy habits can help you live a chronic-condition-free life.

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