Limiting Screen Time & Your Bad Habits

What is the first thing you reach for when you wake up and the last thing before you head off to bed? For the majority of people in the United States, that object is a phone. Furthermore, research done by Vision Direct has shown that the average U.S adult will spend 44 years of their life staring at screens with smartphones taking up about 4 hours and 33 minutes of an adult’s daily screen time. As technology has advanced, our reliance on our phones and other devices has grown, and our tendencies to put them down has decreased. Now ask yourself, when was the last time you left the house without your phone?

Negative Effects of Screen Time

The enormous amount of time we spend in front of screens can have detrimental effects on many areas of our holistic health. Here are some negative effects of too much screen time:

  1. Poor sleep: Screen time disrupts the melatonin levels necessary for getting quality sleep.
  2. Addiction: Spending a lot of time on your phone at night can easily develop into an addiction that can be challenging to overcome.
  3. Lack of Exercise: Being on your phone or other electronic devices for hours rids you of time you could be utilizing on improving your holistic health.
  4. Thinking Ability: The constant search for other people’s opinion on the internet takes away from our cognitive ability to think for ourselves.

Some Statistics

That is the first thing you reach for when you wake up and the last thing before you head off to bed? For the majority of people in the United States, that object is a phone. Furthermore, research done by Vision Direct has shown that the average U.S adult will spend 44 years of their life staring at screens with smartphones taking up about 4 hours and 33 minutes of an adult’s daily screen time. As technology has advanced, our reliance on our phones and other devices has grown, and our tendencies to put them down has decreased. Now ask yourself, when was the last time you left the house without your phone?

Ending Those Bad Habits

Mastering your Lifestyle Habits

Utilize the PRO strategy for whatever the bad habits may be, from dieting to getting better sleep. First, the P stands for purpose, as any improvement comes from understanding why we are doing it in the first place. Second, the R is for react because a purpose needs to be acted on to create results. Lastly, O stands for order since it is order that allows us to stay regulated in what we do in our daily lives. So create a schedule with any of the lifestyle habits and build good holistic health today!

Live It Up!

When we are able to decrease our screen time, it allows us to carry that momentum forward and figure out what else we can possibly improve within our lives. To check out all of the lifestyle habits, watch our short videos, read informative blogs, and visit our website. As always, remember to Live It Up and prevent chronic illnesses!
