Getting 100 points on the Lively Habits App Will Change Your Life Forever

How does this app help me?

Getting 100 points on the Lively Habits app will change your life forever. Because Lively Habits app helps you memorize the 10 lifestyle habits, for you to live a healthy, happy, and empowered long life. Lively Habits app uses a simple 100-points scoring method, the HealthScore. So, how exactly does the scoring method work? And, why should you try to get 100 points?

Scoring system? Why 100 points?

So, here’s how the scoring method works. You can think of the HealthScore as a quiz score in school. You get graded based on what you know. So, you have to study ahead for the quiz, memorize the subject, and strive to get everything right on the exam. 100 points out of 100 points! A+!

Lively Habits app helps you grade your health, in the same way. You take the self-assessment to see how your health is today, check the result, reflect on which lifestyle habits, or habits, you need to work on. You come back tomorrow and repeat the process. This repetition will help you memorize the 10 lifestyle habits.

Each lifestyle habit is worth 10 points in the app. Let’s say Balanced Diet, for example, you get the full 10 points when you eat a balanced diet every day, 5 points when you only sometimes eat a balanced meal, like white meat, fish, and vegetables, and 0 points if on most days you don’t eat a balanced meal.

If you follow all 10 lifestyle habits and you know you’re healthy, you’ll get 100 points HealthScore!

This process is called behavior conditioning, or operant conditioning, but we’ll talk about that next time, so be sure to subscribe to our channel if you haven’t already.

How does the self-assessment work? Memorization?

So, for example, I took the self-assessment and the app tells me I need to work on getting more quality sleep time. So, after using it a few days in a row, and being reminded of Quality Sleep, I start noticing myself looking at the clock near bedtime and having a thought saying “maybe it’s time to go to bed, so you don’t wake up grumpy or get to work late tomorrow.” The app also gave me tips on how to improve, too, like don’t have electronics around my bed. It sounds simple, but in this always-on culture, I think it’s actually a hint of a reminder.

The self-assessment is designed around 10 lifestyle healthy habits, supported by evidence-based research from Harvard, Stanford, CDC, and many reputable institutions. Each of the 10 lifestyle habits is critical to your health, and you can’t miss any of them; So, try to get 100 points on the Lively Habits app, it will change your life forever. You will live a life, healthier, longer, and much happier.

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Living It Up Anywhere

The idea of living your best life can be done anywhere, at any time, and all it really takes is a mindset shift. Take it one core lifestyle habit at a time, whether that is eating healthy and less, daily exercise, quitting bad habits, getting a routine checkup, or being positive. Take a chance today to Live It Up!