Developing a Financial Planning Habit

The idea of financial planning is rather scary for many people as financial literacy isn’t a well emphasize topic that is taught in grade school. Financial planning consist of creating a budget, setting financial goals, identifying potential risks, creating a strategy to address the risk, and regularly reviewing and adjusting your plan as needed. Reasons for planning can range anywhere from the need to save money or an attempt to generate a separate income. To begin your financial plan, you must first decide what goals you want to achieve and then direct your strategy toward those objectives. This is no easy task, but at the end of this blog, you will find all of the steps to achieving this important lifestyle habit.
Setting Goals
Whether your goal is to pay off a car loan or save money for a vacation trip, the number one priority is to track progress based on the goals that are set. Furthermore, your goals have to be relevant and achievable in order for them to be reasonably met through a certain timeframe. Lastly, make it a proper habit each week to provide a report on the progress made toward the goal. That way, you can keep yourself accountable for the financial benefits and risks for the following week.
Creating Budget
The objective of creating a budget puts you in control of the money coming in and out of your accounts and is a big step toward financial wellness. Start a budget by creating a chart using an excel sheet to figure out what your income and expenses look like, which will help present a clearer picture of what expenses to cut back on. Such expenses like grocery shopping and gas are considered essentials to daily life, and other expenses that are wants should be placed in a separate category. Wanted expenses include anything we buy that isn't a necessity for survival, such as candy or a new iPhone. Additionally, cut back on want expenses starting at 10% each week, then gradually increase that number. If you follow these steps, you will be well on your way toward financial wellness.
Potential Risks
When it comes to money and financial planning, there are potential risks to look out for, such as credit card debt or robberies for example. Paying off credit cards on time has many benefits, from increasing our credit scores to removing financial pressure. Furthermore, the golden rule when it comes to financial planning is never spend more than earned. Credit card spending should be checked on a frequent basis. That way, you have the ability to clear your payments on time. The second potential risk in robberies can be diminished by decreasing the amount of cash or assets we carry inside our wallets and homes. This way, we can lower the chances of losing an enormous amount of currency as banks help ensure our money even if a break-in happens.

Living It Up Anywhere
You are all set to turn your financial goals in life into reality. Financial planning help with your daily habits and can have a positive effect on managing your stress levels! Check out our newsletter and videos for more health content, such as the one you are reading right now.