Is Diet or Exercise More Important for Your Health?

When it comes to setting health goals for yourself, the two things that come to mind are diet and exercise.

image from envatoelements

In short, there is no correct answer when it comes to deciding whether diet or exercise is more important for your health. Both exercise and diet play significant roles in heart health. The foods we eat can support or hinder heart health.

image from envatoelements

The dietary patterns associated with reduced heart disease risk are centered around low sodium minimally processed vegetables, fruit, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean animal and plant-based proteins.

On the other hand, numerous studies have shown that exercise can help lower your risk of heart disease, decrease blood pressure, increase your heart’s size and strength, and improve cardiorespiratory fitness.

In short, even a low-intensity aerobic activity such as walking may reduce your heart disease risk.

image from envatoelements

So what is the lesson here? Diet and exercise are both important for optimal health. Consuming a minimally processed, whole-food diet rich in healthy fats, fiber, and lean protein is linked to better heart health. Along with this, regular exercise keeps your heart stronger and reduces certain risk factors for heart disease.

While you may be tempted to pick one over the other, diet and exercise work hand in hand, and combining both will optimize health and quality of life. However, diet and exercise are only a small part of building a sustainable “whole health” lifestyle. It’s important to take care of all aspects of your health like physical, mental, social, financial, and medical.

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