Does Elevated Tumor Markers Mean Cancer?

The best strategy to deal with tumors is early diagnosis and early treatment. The most effective method for early tumor diagnosis is to find tumor markers in body fluids, especially protein markers, through in vitro diagnosis.

Tumor markers are a class of substances that abnormally change due to the expression of related genes of tumor cells or the collective response to tumors in the process of tumor cell occurrence, proliferation, metastasis, or recurrence.

The markers can be found in the blood, urine, or tissues. If it goes up, cancer may be growing. Does elevated tumor markers mean cancer? The answer is NO.

CA 125 is one of the tumor markers, it is a substance that may be found in high amounts in the blood of patients with certain types of cancer, including ovarian cancer. CA 125 levels may also help monitor how well cancer treatments are working or if cancer has come back. Also called cancer antigen 125.

There are health issues that can cause markers to be elevated that are not cancer. Because of this, you must think about the tumor marker levels along with the results of radiology scans, the patient's symptoms, and the healthcare provider's exam. So far, the only tumor marker to gain some approval as a screening tool is the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) for prostate cancer, though this has concerns as well.  Elevated tumor markers do not mean that you have suffered from a certain type of cancer, and the comprehensive judgment of clinicians is required.

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