Strenuous vs. Moderate Exercise

Globally, 1 in 4 adults does not meet the global recommended levels of physical activity. Up to 5 million deaths, a year could be averted if the global population was more active.

Strenuous vs. Moderate Exercise

Globally, 1 in 4 adults does not meet the global recommended levels of physical activity. Up to 5 million deaths, a year could be averted if the global population was more active. Not getting enough physical activity can lead to multiple chronic diseases in the future.

There are three categories of exercise intensity, which are

  • Low
  • Moderate
  • Vigorous or strenuous

Low to moderate exercise is easier to sustain for longer periods since you work below 70 percent of your maximum heart rate or lower.

For an activity to be vigorous, you need to work at 70 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. But what are the benefits of doing vigorous exercise compared to moderate?

Vigorous exercise can have a higher calorie burn since working out at a higher intensity requires more oxygen, which burns more calories. It can cause more weight loss since a higher calorie burn and an elevated metabolism will help you lose weight quicker. It can improve heart health. According to a study in 2012, vigorous-intensity exercises appear to offer a low chance of cardiovascular events.

Before you turn up your intensity workouts, check with your doctor. Your doctor can advise you on a safe level of exercise. Always build up your workout intensity slowly. Pushing yourself can result in injuries and burnout.

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