How Do You Gain Or Lose Weight With The Calorie Calculator?

While age, sex, and genetics are non-modifiable, many risk factors associated with chronic diseases can be changed. These modifiable risk factors include diet, physical activity, weight, and environment. Most people struggle with weight gain and loss. So today I am going to teach you how to lose and gain weight with the calorie formula.

The calorie formula is BMR x activity rate = Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)

The first thing you need to do is to calculate your BMR, which is your Basal Metabolic Rate. Your BMR is the energy your body uses every day.

Harvard study has shown that calorie counting is easy, fast, and simple! The formula is a relatively simple process in which a person multiple their BMR by the average daily activity level.

Let’s calculate your BMR by using the Harris-Benedict BMR formula:

If you’re a man, use the equation on top. If you’re a woman, use the equation on the bottom

Let’s have two examples. Here we have Lily and Josh.

  • Lily is a 34-year-old woman that weighs 180 pounds and is 5’8. Lily does moderates exercise per week. Lily’s weight goal is 140 pounds.
  • Then we have Josh, who is a 19-year-old man that weighs 120 pounds and is 5’10. Josh doesn’t do any daily exercise. Josh’s weight goal is 170 pounds.

So let’s plug their information into the BMR formula.

  • Lily BMR is 1597.9 calories per day
  • While Josh BMR is 1,570.56 calories per day

Once you get your BMR, you have to find out your activity level. There are 5 activity levels. So which one are you? Are you:

  • Sedentary (1.2): is little exercise or no exercise
  • Light active (1.375): is light exercise or sports about 1-3 days per week
  • Moderately active (1.55): is moderate exercise or sports 3-5 days per week
  • Very active (1.725): is hard exercise or sports 6-7 days per week
  • Extra active (1.9): is very hard exercise or sports and physical job or 2x training.

Lily's and Josh's equation:

  • Lily’s equation would be 1597.9 x 1.55 since she moderately works out.
  • Josh’s equation would be 1570.56 x 1.2 since he doesn’t exercise daily.

So let’s focus on Lily’s result first. Lily’s TDEE would be 2,476.75. Her goal is to lose weight. So if 3,500 calories equal 1 pound, divide 3,500 calories by 7 days per week which equals 500 per week. The 500 will be Lily’s deficit. Lily’s TDEE is 2,476.75 subtracting that by 500. If Lily wants to lose 1 pound a week, she needs to be intaking 1,976.75 calories per day.

Let’s move on to Josh. Josh is trying to gain weight. Josh’s TDEE is 1884.67. Josh wants to speed up the process of his weight gain so he will times two 500. So he would be adding 1000 calories to gain 2 pounds a week. If Josh adds 1000 to his TDEE, he would get 2,884.67. He would have to intake 2,884.67 calories each day for a week to gain 2 pounds.

See,  not so hard right? The equation is a great tool for gaining and losing weight. We hope you found it helpful in your journey to building a healthier lifestyle. Calorie intake is just a small part of your overall health.

Weight control is to help you manage and maintain healthy body weight. Reaching a healthy weight can prevent weight-related chronic diseases like heart diseases, diabetes, enhance sleep, and improve your overall health.

We hope you find this information useful and challenge yourself to build healthy habits. Harvard Research has shown that following healthy habits can help you live a chronic-disease-free life.

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